Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Running to Fit

I read a great blog post tonight from @Runnrgrl.

It truly was a great read. It got me thinking. I love motivating people with my running. It is one of the unexpected joys I have recieved from talking about my running. One of the reasons I started to run is to be healthier. To be here longer with my family. To enjoy my kids and their kids (not for a while as mine are 7 & 2).

Although reading the post "Skinny Bitch" had me reflect on my own vanity. The constant watching for abs in the mirror. You see at 5'7" I am told that unless I am under 165lbs I am over weight. I have always been someone that carries my weight well but at 200lbs and high blood pressure I needed to get moving. To date I have dropped 15lbs and feel better than I ever have. Seeing the difference in the mirror is a challenge as there is a voice in my head that tells me to go further. There is a voice in my head that tells me not to eat too much. I am sensible and realize that I have always been a "big eater" so half chickens and fries really aren't the right thing. I also know that lettuce with no dressing is wrong. I do see the slippery slope and am mindful of it.


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Long Cool Run

Today was MUCH wrmer than last week. Amazing what -1C feels like after -15C!

I woke up this morning with a clogged nostril thinking 10km would be enough.As we headed out with the Harriers from Melville Cafe things got losend up. I always forget what a run in the cold can do for a clogged nose.

As we reached the 5km turn (which would have been the 10km run) I talked Robb into running the extra. So we continued on to add on almost 3km more. This meant the hills of Cheese Factory Rd just to ensure a good workout. As we headed onto Hwy 24 I was feeling good and picked up the pace for the final 4km. Always good to run a negative split they say!!

Next week's long run will be 16km and the last run before my 5km PropertyGuys.com race in Vegas!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Tonight's Hills

It was snowing lightly most of the afternoon which led to a slippery run tonight. Other than it being a little slippery it was a great run. Large group and some strong runners. I did 5 repeats on the top of Gordon St which added on some extra distance as I was only planning on doing 4. All in all a little over 10km.

Afterwards it was home, a quick stretch and change and then off to the Run For Life board meeting. Great meeting with some input from new members. Looking forward to the new iteration of the website due this week and to see how the "Footprints" idea comes to fruition. It would seem that they are lining up some great minds.

Plans For The Week

Looking forward to my runs this week.

Tonight we have the infamous "Gordon Grind" which is a KILLER hill repeat in West Galt. With add on distance from running to and from I should get about 9km in total.

Thursday is the "Park Hill Loop", a great 6.5km tempo run with a few hills. Add on the run to and from I should be around 9km.

Saturday's route has not been announced but I will do 15-16km. This keeps me in line with my 2010km for the year!

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Just stumbled on dailymile today. Seems like a great online log and running community. Have asked them for some additional widgets for their mapping as they were none when I found them.

So far I like what I see.

Should help me both on my quest to log 2010kms in 2010 and help keep track of my shoe usage....